Home 5 Blog 5 News 5 The Italian Streetwear Marketplace, Edropit, is Back! 

The Italian Streetwear Marketplace, Edropit, is Back! 

by | Nov 6, 2024 | News

Looking for the best Italian streetwear? Look no further, Edropit is back!

Ok, but what is Edropit? Edropit is a re-born Italian streetwear marketplace that offers the widest selection of Italian streetwear brands, focusing on Made in Italy high-end products, emerging brands, and limited edition collections, with particular attention to the small entrepreneurs that are behind the brand. 

We chose to partner with people who outshine the rest for their proactivity, motivation, and innovative spirit. With people we would be friends with. Actually, it is fair to say that we did become friends with many of them. So, it is with great personal pleasure that we are here today. But we should maybe take a step back and not take for granted what is not. Let’s see what streetwear is, shall we? 

From comfort to luxury, a brief history of streetwear 

The streetwear we know today, with its many nuances, was born in the New York hip-hop scene in the early nineties. At the time, it was a composite mixture of sportswear, skateboard fashion, punk, some Japanese (!) influences, and a spark of nostalgia for the ‘80s. 

All of the above was kept together by the normal desire to express belonging to a group that many felt and the equally strong desire to wear comfortable stuff that actually made everyday life activities easier to perform. Fast forward some years, the influences on the streetwear trend became even more interesting. A touch from the Pacific waves – literally – entered the scene. Stüssy, which we all know for its iconic signature on t-shirts, was actually born on a surfboard. 

The final chapter of this brief history is about luxury brands that decide to tap in and get a piece of this money-making cake. The popularity of this niche is so high that more than one luxury brand has decided to partner with sportswear companies to create exclusive articles for customers who want to take their game of distinguishing themselves to the next level. It will not surprise me to know that together with a luxury brand label comes a luxury brand price tag, which adds to the exclusivity.

And this can be considered a subcategory of the main streetwear movement, one that some would regard with diffidence. Well, there is even a derogatory name for this, the so-called hypebeast. You know, those that spend money just to stay on top of every new trend? That is exactly it. But our streetwear marketplace is of another breed. We at Edroppit believe in a different approach to fashion. 

Streetwear: Born in the USA, perfected in Italy

Edropit is not going to take on big brands or the luxury segment of this fashion and culture trend. We are playing a different game here. 

First off, our idea of the marketplace is focused on two main philosophical pillars: small Italian brands and high-end quality. We chose to focus on Italian brands for reasons that are not what you might expect. It’s not mere national pride. 

Edropit is a company that belongs to Ziken Labs. We live and work in Italy, and we wanted to work with brands we know or that we have the chance to know personally. 

It was only natural for us to choose companies that were born in our country. Then, of course, there is the focus on quality. Italy has a long and well-known history of great craftsmanship in designing and producing high-quality clothing. So, we wanted to take a very interesting phenomenon and give it a touch of the famous Italian style. Because Made in Italy is not only Gucci, Valentino and Armani. 

Made in Italy streetwear, why it’s relevant

Made in Germany, Made in the USA, and Made in Italy are not the same thing. Again, it’s not a matter of chauvinism. It’s a very important distinction. 

The regulations in Germany and the USA allow for products to bear the “made in X” brand even if the product is not entirely made in the country. This means that it might be designed in Germany, for instance, but then produced and finished elsewhere. Same thing for USA products. For Italian products, this is not possible. Everything that bears the brand Made in Italy must be entirely designed, produced, finished, and packed in Italy. So, Made in Italy is ultimately a choice of quality that you make, even when you buy small brands. Something more to distinguish your style by.

And Edropit, the Italian streetwear marketplace, gives you this chance. 

Worldwide relevance and community-driven. 

Italy is quite backward in terms of e-commerce. This is obviously an all-Italian problem, but we wanted to address it and fill the gaps in order to help small Italian brands go worldwide. 

We want the entrepreneurs who work with us, our friends, to create a sustainable business that will drive the local economy and project it to the world. And the customer’s diffidence can not be an obstacle to this. 

The widespread doubts about buying clothes online mainly stem from the fear that if the purchased item does not fit, the customer will have to sustain the expenses to send it back. This means that features like free-of-charge shipping (in the country) and free refunds are of extreme importance to spreading the use of e-commerce also for clothes. Since people in Italy tend to have issues with this, we want to be the solution. But there is another feature we are particularly proud of. We want active participation from our customer base. Keywords like community, inclusivity, and openness are of paramount importance to developing the brands of the future. Brands that will mirror an evolved society rather than be trendsetters for people with no power in the creation process of what they buy. 

To this extent, we are focusing our marketing efforts on the creation of a community where you can express your opinion and ultimately guide the development of the clothing you love to make you a creator of your own image. 

Ok, bro, but why do I have to care about Edropit? 

All of the above has some clear advantages for you too. 

The approach that small companies have to their work grants you, the final customer, the benefit of having something exclusive that will help you express yourself in an original, almost unique way. 

We are talking about a streetwear culture that will give you a boutique-like experience, limited editions, and all those features that will allow you to be the most authentic version of yourself. Plus, the fact that the platform is community-driven will give you room to express yourself, participate, and create together with people like you the streetwear culture that best fits you. 

Then comes the focus on quality, which means that you buy items that are produced with the best materials, which – it goes without saying – obviously enhances the experience of our brands. Now, talking about materials, what about sustainability? 

Sustainable streetwear, a small gesture that means a lot 

Fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Everything in the garment production process poses great risks to the environment. 

The materials are often environmentally unfriendly to meet the necessity of cheap clothes that the fast fashion trends require. Dying chemical waste is another great problem. And many brands solve it by producing their apparel in countries whose regulation on environmental protection is all but strict, when even they have one. 

Edropit wants to tackle this issue as well. We believe another way is possible. 

We are focusing especially on sustainable streetwear culture, one that, while not renouncing style and quality, will also consider the impact human activities have on the planet. 

For this reason, our Italian streetwear marketplace hosts brands that have decided to use natural and sustainable materials. You will get your fix of originality, be able to express your true self, and will also contribute to protecting the environment in the process. Every drop in the ocean counts. 

Still not sure about Edropit? 

Edropit is the Italian streetwear marketplace for you if you want your outfit to be original, high-quality, and inclusive. And if you do not want to sacrifice the health of our planet in the process of looking cool. 

But it’s also a way for you to get creative to a new level with your own clothes, thanks to the power of a community of like-minded people. If you’re still unsure, go and see with your own eyes

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